André Francis


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Miles Davis Quintet (US jazz group 1955-58, and 1964-68)
George Coleman (US jazz saxophonist) tenor saxophone Introduction (mono)
Herbie Hancock (US jazz pianist, keyboardist, bandleader and composer) piano Introduction (mono)
Miles Davis (jazz trumpeter, bandleader, songwriter) trumpet Introduction (mono)
Ron Carter (US jazz double-bassist) bass Introduction (mono)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
George Coleman (US jazz saxophonist) tenor saxophone Introduction (mono)
Herbie Hancock (US jazz pianist, keyboardist, bandleader and composer) piano Introduction (mono)
Miles Davis (jazz trumpeter, bandleader, songwriter) trumpet Introduction (mono)
Ron Carter (US jazz double-bassist) bass Introduction (mono)
Tony Williams (American jazz drummer) drums Introduction (mono)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Miles Davis Quintet vocal Introduction by André Francis