Andrew Foster-Williams


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Arthur Austin
Laurie Bongailas
New Scientists
minus(−) (Japanese electronic duo)
Bangers On Tuck

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Arthur Austin vocal Flavio, re de' longobardi, HWV 16: Act I, Scene VII. Aria "Se a te vissi fedele" (Lotario), Flavio, re de' longobardi, HWV 16: Act II, Scene IV. Aria "S'egli ti chiede affetto" (Lotario)
Laurie Bongailas vocal Via Crucis: Station 12. Jesus Dies on the Cross 'Stabat autem iuxta crucem Jesu mater eius', Via Crucis: Station 8. The Women of Jerusalem Weep for Jesus 'Sequebatur autem illum multa turba'
New Scientists vocal Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II, WoO 87: II. Ein Ungeheuer, sein Name Fanatismus, Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II, WoO 87: III. Da kam Joseph
minus(−) vocal Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II, WoO 87: I.Todt! Todt!, Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II, WoO 87: VII. Todt! Todt!
Bangers On Tuck vocal Flavio, re de' longobardi, HWV 16: Act I, Scene VI. Recitativo "Della mia prole Emilia" (Lotario, Flavio, Vitige) / Scene VII. Recitativo "Di qual sovrano e riverito impero" (Ugone, Flavio, Lotario)
Carlos Rodríguez Pintos vocal Flavio, re de' longobardi, HWV 16: Act II, Scene IV. Recitativo Dunque per le mie nozze" (Emilia, Lotario)
Marc Garnier vocal Flavio, re de' longobardi, HWV 16: Act II, Scene X. Recitativo "Io deluso? Lotario? ed altri miete" (Lotario, Guido) / Scene IX. Recitativo "Ah! misera, che veggio? ah, genitore" (Emilia, Lotario)
Peter Slipper vocal Via Crucis: Station 2. Jesus Takes Up the Cross 'Dicebat autem Jesus ad omnes'
Philippe Cavaciuti vocal Flavio, re de' longobardi, HWV 16: Act I, Scene II. Recitativo "Lotario, al sacro nodo" (Ugone, Lotario, Guido, Teodata) / Scene III. "Recitativo Con l'alma reverente" (Emilia, Guido, Ugone, Lotario, Teodata)