Andrew Craighan
electric guitar, performer, mix, guitar
Top collaborators
Artist name
My Dying Bride
Work on other artists' recordings
Artist name
My Dying Bride
mix, performer, electric guitar, guitar
A Chapter in Loathing, A Cold New Curse, A Map of All Our Failures, A Pale Shroud of Longing, A Tapestry Scorned, A Thorn of Wisdom, Abandoned as Christ, And I Walk With Them, And My Father Left Forever, Apocalypse Woman, Base Level Erotica, Bring Me Victory, Death Triumphant, Deeper Down, Der Überlebende, Echoes From a Hollow Soul, Erotic Literature, Fall With Me, Feel the Misery, Hail Odysseus, Heroin Chic, I Almost Loved You, I Cannot Be Loved, I Celebrate Your Skin, Kneel Till Doomsday, L'Amour détruit, Like a Perpetual Funeral, Love's Intolerable Pain, My Body, a Funeral, My Faults Are Your Reward, One of Beauty's Daughters, Only Tears to Replace Her With, Santuario di sangue, Sear Me, ShadowHaunt, The Barghest o’ Whitby, The Barghest o’ Whitby, Part 1, The Barghest o’ Whitby, Part 2, The Bitterness and the Bereavement, The Blood, the Wine, the Roses, The Forever People, The Lies I Sire, The Manuscript, The Poorest Waltz, The Return of the Beautiful, The Stance of Evander Sinque, The Whore, the Cook and the Mother, Thy Raven Wings, To Remain Tombless, To Shiver in Empty Halls, Under Your Wings and Into Your Arms, Vast Choirs, Vår gud över er, Within a Sleeping Forest, Within the Presence of Absence