Anders Mogensen


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jake Shack
Blon D'hin (french singer, Bruno Firemans)
Petter Wettre

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jake Shack drums A Song for You, A Song for You, Too, Again and Again, Country Road, Free, Free, Set Them Free, Hope, Maria, Nocturne, Oh Shenandoah, Remembering B
Blon D'hin drums Beneath the Blues, Green Exit, Landscape, Mefludica, On Track, Off Time, Play, Suite Green, Trains and Bone and Planes, Wogram Avenue
Petter Wettre drums Continuos flux, Departure, Hallmark Moment, Kosher, Lifeguard on Duty, Mission Accompished, Oasis