Alexandra Papadjiakou


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
Vincenzo Bellini (Sicilian opera composer)
Γιάννης Χρήστου

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Μίκης Θεοδωράκης vocal A mi partido (To My Party), Allgunas bestias (Some Beasts), America insurrecta (Insurgent America), Amor America, Emiliano Zapata, La United Fruit Co., Lautaro, Los libertadores (The Liberators), Neruda requiem aeternam, Sandino, Vegetaciones (Vegetation), Vienen los pajaros (The Birds Arrive), Voy a vivir (I Am Going to Live)
Vincenzo Bellini vocal La Sonnambula: Act I, Scene 1. Recitativo "Io più di tutti", La Sonnambula: Act I, Scene 1. Recitativo e coro "Contezza del paese avete voi?", La Sonnambula: Act I, Scene 1. Recitativo e duetto "Basta così", La Sonnambula: Act I, Scene 2. Recitativo e duetto, coro, quintetto "Che veggio?", La Sonnambula: Act I, Scene 2. Stretta del finale primo "Non più nozze", La Sonnambula: Act II, Scene 1. Scena ed aria "Reggimi, o buona madre", La Sonnambula: Act II, Scene 2. Quartetto "E fia pur vero, Elvino", La Sonnambula: Act II, Scene 2. Scena ed aria, finale "Signor? Che creder deggio?"
Γιάννης Χρήστου vocal Six T.S. Eliot Songs: I. New Hampshire (Landscapes, I), Six T.S. Eliot Songs: II. Death by Water (Waste Land, IV), Six T.S. Eliot Songs: III. Melange adultere de tout (Poems - 1920), Six T.S. Eliot Songs: IV. Eyes that Last I saw in Tears (Minor Poems), Six T.S. Eliot Songs: V. The Wind Sprang up at Four o'Clock (Minor Poems), Six T.S. Eliot Songs: VI. Virginia (Landscapes, II), Six T.S. Eliot Songs: Virginia (Landscapes, II)