Alex Istschenko

mix, recording, producer, remixer, guitar, vocal, sound, programming

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Herbst in Peking
Stereo De Luxe
Die Firma (German punk band)
Olive Cotard

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Herbst in Peking mix, producer, programming, recording, remixer, sound, vocal, guitar Bakshisch for Burundi, Christ Business, Das Jahr Schnee, Doubt (Surfopera Cocktail), Doubt the Sky, Dub Reality (Micro Wave mix), Hirnbox, Jesus im Schnee, Jesus on Acid, Kamennyi Ugol, La Dolce Vita, La Dolce Vita (Hirschbar version), Movie Stops Tomorrow (The FX of Cher mix), Neonmantra, Raskolnikov Reverse, Russian Overdub, Saddam's Letzte Party, Sechs Liter Blut, Shame, Tamponlovesong, Terrible Herbst, Terrible Herbst (Eta-mix), Thee Dramatic Speech, Trouble (Maker) For Two
Stereo De Luxe mix Altitude and Vertigo, Go Boy!, Joyride, Keep It a Secret, Kissing Secretly, Petit Xmas, Robin, Strawberries and Tangerines
Freygang recording Das rollende Faß, Der König, Mörder, Schrotthaufen, Zwei Bier, zwei Korn
Die Firma recording Alte Helden, Faschist, Rote Leiber
Olive Cotard recording Attila, Hobin Rood, Looser