Aleksei Bajev


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Hiram Bullock producer Continuum, Dolphin Dance, Invitation, Ode to Billy Joe, Son of Creeper, Three Views of a Secret
Kenwood Dennard drums Continuum, Dolphin Dance, Invitation, Ode to Billy Joe, Son of Creeper, Three Views of a Secret

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Hiram Bullock producer Continuum, Dolphin Dance, Invitation, Ode to Billy Joe, Son of Creeper, Three Views of a Secret
Kenwood Dennard drums Continuum, Dolphin Dance, Invitation, Ode to Billy Joe, Son of Creeper, Three Views of a Secret

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
長嶋李花 piano Ratsanik, op. 68 nr. 23, tsüklist „Noorte album”