
remixer, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Neve (Australian electronic group)
Louis Gaston engineer, producer Manhattan High, Manhattan High (Basscamp remix), Manhattan High (original mix)
The Thrillseekers
Stewart Rowell producer Manhattan High (Basscamp remix), Manhattan High (original mix)
yuma (Passàggio Discs)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Louis Gaston engineer, producer Manhattan High, Manhattan High (Basscamp remix), Manhattan High (original mix)
Stewart Rowell producer Manhattan High (Basscamp remix), Manhattan High (original mix)
Basscamp (UK progressive/tribal house) remixer Manhattan High (Basscamp remix)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Neve remixer Sacrifice (Alaska Vox remix), Sacrifice (Alaska radio edit), Sacrifice (Alaska vocal mix)
The Thrillseekers remixer Synaesthesia (Alaska mix), Synaesthesia (Alaska's Sunset mix)
yuma producer, remixer From Russia With Love (Alaska remix)