Abhorrent Castigation

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jamie Crawford (storyteller) vocal Dauntless Little Joan, Issun Boshi, Jack and the Mermaid, Magic Box reprise, Shark and Monkey, The Magic Box, Three Wishes
Paul Nieman producer, synthesizer, trombone Dauntless Little Joan, Issun Boshi, Jack and the Mermaid, Magic Box reprise, Shark and Monkey, The Magic Box, Three Wishes

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jamie Crawford (storyteller) vocal Dauntless Little Joan, Issun Boshi, Jack and the Mermaid, Magic Box reprise, Shark and Monkey, The Magic Box, Three Wishes
Paul Nieman producer, synthesizer, trombone Dauntless Little Joan, Issun Boshi, Jack and the Mermaid, Magic Box reprise, Shark and Monkey, The Magic Box, Three Wishes