Aaron Barrett

vocal, producer, guitar, engineer
Reel Big FishZolof the Rock & Roll DestroyerOnly other artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Reel Big Fish
Zolof the Rock & Roll Destroyer

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Reel Big Fish engineer, producer, vocal, guitar Don't Let Me Down Gently, Don't Stop Skankin', Everyone Else is an Asshole, Famous Last Words, Gigantic, Hiding in My Headphones, I Dare You to Break My Heart, I Know You Too Well to Like You Anymore, I Love/You Suck, Lost Cause, P.S. I Hate You, Punisher, She's Not the End of the World, The Promise, Your Girlfriend Sucks
Zolof the Rock & Roll Destroyer vocal Don't You Want Me, Dress You Up, Say Say Say