
arranger, programming, vocal, piano, keyboard, recording

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
BoA (South Korean singer and actress)
Ezgi İçellioğlu
Girls’ Generation

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
BoA arranger 두근 두근 (Pit-A-Pat), 선물(Gift), 인사 (Good-Bye)
東方神起 arranger Drive, 믿기 싫은 이야기 (How Can I)
Ezgi İçellioğlu arranger Hug
Girls’ Generation arranger, programming, recording, vocal, keyboard, piano 유리아이 (Lost in Love)
SHINee arranger 너의 노래가 되어 (An Ode to You)
Shoo arranger White
신화 arranger I Pray 4 U (Remix)
이삭N지연 arranger 해주고싶은 얘기