

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Gigi Masin recording Almanac, Call Me, Fata Morgana, First Time Ruth Saw the Sea, Little Faith, Music for Chameleons, Nadir, Redanzen, She Wears Shades, Snake Theory, Stella Maris, Still, Talk to the Sea, The City Lights, The Kasparian Circle, The Nylon Dollar, The Word Love
Souls of Diotima
Alessandro Monti bass guitar, piano Almanac, She Wears Shades, Snake Theory, Stella Maris
Alessandro Pizzin producer, recording, keyboard Almanac, She Wears Shades, Snake Theory, Stella Maris
Massimo Berizzi trumpet Still

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Gigi Masin recording Almanac, Call Me, Fata Morgana, First Time Ruth Saw the Sea, Little Faith, Music for Chameleons, Nadir, Redanzen, She Wears Shades, Snake Theory, Stella Maris, Still, Talk to the Sea, The City Lights, The Kasparian Circle, The Nylon Dollar, The Word Love
Alessandro Monti bass guitar, piano Almanac, She Wears Shades, Snake Theory, Stella Maris
Alessandro Pizzin producer, recording, keyboard Almanac, She Wears Shades, Snake Theory, Stella Maris
Massimo Berizzi trumpet Still

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Souls of Diotima bass 一番後ろのそのまた後ろ, 地獄ノ牛鬼, 天狗的日常, 弾幕注意報