
producer, recording, misc, mix

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Artist name Roles Recordings
John Pee
angela (J-pop duo)
Radio Wire Empire

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
笹井隆司 producer Amazing Express, Battle for the Fields, Battle of the Last Enemy ~Damned~, Battle of the Last Enemy ~Evolution~, Battle of the Last Enemy ~Final Conflict~, Battle of the Last Enemy ~In The Mirror~, Beginning for the End, Between Two Worlds (Theme of Surlent), Beyond the Rising Moon, Bio Hazard, Blazing Impact (Dune), Change of Mind, Clockwork Steeple, Creature from the Silent Sea, Crime of the Heart (Theme of Riza), Dance with the Zombie, Downfall, Earth Bound, Echoes, Edge of Darkness, Evil Eyes, Evil in the Deep, Holiday in the Village, King of the Mountain, Ko-So-Do-Ro, Land of Doom, Mystics in Babel, Night Gallery, Night Shift, Parade, Place in the Sun, Prophecy, Purgation, Ride on the Breeze, Rudra, Run for It, Sanctuary, Shadows of Illusion, Storm over the Place, Strange Encounters (Sion), Sword of the Valiant (Theme of Sion), Take the Gold and Run (Theme of Dune), The Auarians, The Flame and the Arrow (Riza), The Inhuman Condition, The Invisible Dead, The Mysterious Stone, The Nightbreed, The Quest for Rudra's Mines, The Spirit Chaser (Surlent), The Tower of God, The Ultimate Warrior, Under World, Underwater City, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Waiting for the Moon, Whistle Down the Wind, Winners Take All
John Pee producer ACROSS THE WORLD, Come Here! I defend you, Theme From “YAMASAN”, “ええ話や ううっ”, “女はね、ムード作りが大事なの!”, “組織には逆らえねぇ”, おきらく ごきらく, おねむの罠, ピアノ上達レベル1, ピアノ上達レベル2, ピアノ上達レベル3, ピアノ上達レベル4, ピラミッド調査団御一行様, ポンガのバイオリン演奏, 世界の洞窟から1, 冒険部屋で何を想う, 動かざること山の如し, 勝利の美酒, 悲しき自由, 愛がほしい(予告編), 愛のボサノバ, 愛の逃飛行, 我が故郷、父不在, 我が故郷、父不在(予告編), 拾得物着服, 森林浴1, 残された活路, 王妃の“待って”, 私の田舎町, 粋な港町, 落武者狩り, 誘いの町, 赤組がんばれ!白組がんばれ!
angela misc, recording Beautiful fighter, Beginning, CORE introduction [I/O], Fine!, Galactic material, KINGS, My story, SONGS, Separation [Pf], Shangri-La, Spiral, THE DARK, cheers!, feel,like a breeze, innocence, maybe..maybe.., merry-go-round, on my way ~reborn~, solitude, パノラマ, 光、探せなくとも, 小さな歴史の詩, 此処に居るよ, 満月オールナイト, 笑い者のFairy tale, 謝罪状況
D'USSE producer DANCE! DANCE! DANCE!, “九九もおぼえたよ”, “寄ってかない?”, カメザムライ登場, 世界の洞窟から4, 師範達の晩歌, 死んでいる町, 汝、今何時?, 魔人と呼ばれて幾歳月
Radio Wire Empire producer いざ、出陣!, この猫、どこの猫, これまた修業なり, マッドサイエンス, 世界の洞窟から3, 天下とったる!, 我が人生悔い無し, 至急、現場に急行せよ.
崎元仁 producer DEMI_HUMANばとる, はまりら はひひ, ジェミニウイング, 元カゴナール, 演歌の帝王, 演歌見習い, 雨の長浜岬
岩田匡治 producer GO! GO! Kids, むるろわーん, 密漁船とロシア警備艇, 死ぬかもしんない, 男は褌, 赤っ恥大三郎が行く!
John Cusimano producer “なんかやばいっすよ”, はりりりりぃぃぃぃ, 代表取締役, 狂った猛獣
Jonny Blaze producer “歌うっきゃないっしょ”, 森林浴2, 翼の乙女
堀江由衣 recording I my me, バニラソルト
Tomtrax mix, recording ツナグキズナ
ももいろクローバーZ recording キミとセカイ
白石涼子 recording Hatch