
producer, arranger, piano, keyboard, electric piano, vocal, strings, whistle, toy piano

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Novo Tono

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
大友良英 arranger, producer, vocal, electric piano, piano, strings, whistle Akuma-Kun: Opening Theme, Giant Robo, Kemuri no Osama, Lupin the Third: Ending Theme 1, Lupin the Third: Ending Theme 2, Namida Kara Ashita E, Ooka Echizen: Opening Title, Sabu To Ichi Torimonohikae: Opening Theme, Shichinin no Keiji, Plot 1
大友良英ニュー・ジャズ・クインテット arranger, producer Lupin the Third: Theme of Walther, Playgirl BGM, Shichinin no Keiji, Plot 2
Hoahio arranger, producer, keyboard, toy piano Boken Gaboten-jima, Super Jetter
Novo Tono arranger, producer Bokensha-tachi no Ballad, Gamba no Uta
Filament arranger, producer Song for T.Y.