
arranger, pedal steel guitar, guitar, instrument arranger, guitars

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
近藤浩治 (Nintendo composer)
Rita (Japanese)
MELL (Female Japanese singer from I've)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
川田まみ arranger All in good time, Beehive, Break a spell, CLIMAX, Contrail〜軌跡〜, Don't interrupt me, FIXED STAR, Halfway, JOINT, No buts!, PSI-missing, Prophecy, SATANIC, Serment, Serment -INSTRUMENTAL-, Timeless time –Album mix–, a frame, dilemma, energy flow, intersection, jellyfish, linkage, portamento, sense, u/n, u/n -INSTRUMENTAL-, 光芒, 翡翠 -HISUI-, 雨, 青空と太陽, 青空と太陽 -instrumental-
近藤浩治 pedal steel guitar Battle, Great Fairy's Fountain, Hyrule Field Main Theme, Kotake & Koume's Theme, Last Battle, Lon Lon Ranch, Lost Woods, Middle Boss Battle, Shop, Temple of Time, Title Theme, Zelda's Theme
KOTOKO arranger 421-a will-, Loop-the-Loop, Love mission!! 〜なんだ。ただの恋かw〜, Princess Brave!, bumpy‐Jumpy!, jihad, フシ-ギノ-アナ, ユメミボシ★boom!boom!
Rita arranger Little Busters!, Little Busters! -Little Jumper Ver.-, Little Busters! -Short Ver.-, Little Busters! ‐Little Jumper Short Ver.-, 未使用曲1 (Little Busters! ‐Little Jumper Ver.-)
MELL arranger, guitar Permit, SCOPE, Two face, Way beyond there
島みやえい子 arranger 奈落の花, 奈落の花 -Short Version-, 誓い, 誓い INSTRUMENTAL
Larval Stage Planning arranger, instrument arranger Trip -innocent of D-, Trip -innocent of D- (off vocal), find a piece
Terion arranger, instrument arranger Evidence nine, サブリミナル・アジェンダ –Album mix–
黒崎真音 arranger メモリーズ・ラスト, メモリーズ・ラスト -instrumental-
やなぎなぎ arranger, guitars ビードロ模様, ビードロ模様 (instrumental)
Êve Gagnier arranger Bullshit!! Hard problem!!
Valeeria Villandi pedal steel guitar Easy Ride~Sky Ramp
詩月カオリ arranger end of refrain 〜小さな始まり〜
MAKO arranger bite on the bullet -Acoustic ver.-
Walter Raim Concept arranger Snap out of it!!