
guitar, arranger, programming, producer, bass guitar, editor, other instruments, electric guitar, mandolin, guitars

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
鶴来正基 piano BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, Gunpowder Tea, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
菊地成孔 instrument BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
高桑英世 flute BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
鶴来正基 piano BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, Gunpowder Tea, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
菊地成孔 instrument BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
高桑英世 flute BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
沖山優司 electric bass guitar BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
Kiyoshi Kamata drums BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
大儀見元 percussion BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
水谷浩章 acoustic bass guitar BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
四家卯大 cello BIG BLUFF, BLOOD AND THUNDER, BLUE FUNK, Carrot & Stick, Fool's Paradise, KNIVES, NOT AN ANGEL, Never could have been worse, PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup, People Everyday, Permanent Vacation, Stories to Tell, YELLOW ALERT
湊雅史 drums H.T, Hash Hash
鈴木享明 electric bass guitar H.T, Hash Hash
外山明 (drummer) drums Nerve Rack
岡本正之 bassoon Lost Planet
成田恵子 clarinet Lost Planet
新居昭乃 vocal arranger pieta
糸井裕美子 oboe Lost Planet
茂木英興 arranger H.T - Destroyingangel mix
Shigemoto Takano flute Lost Planet
Tim Jensen vocal 楽園
佐野篤 electric bass guitar Nerve Rack
十亀正司 clarinet Lost Planet

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
坂本真綾 guitar, guitars, mandolin Ask. 2013 Live Ver., Colors 2013 Live Ver., cloud 9, park amsterdam (the whole story), しっぽのうた 2013 Live Ver., なりたい 2013 Live Ver., カミナリ 2013 Live Ver., グレープフルーツ, サンシャイン 2013 Live Ver., シンガーソングライター, スクラップ~別れの詩, ニコラ 2013 Live Ver., メドレー“Roots of SSW” 2013 Live Ver. 〜マメシバ 〜プラチナ 〜奇跡の海 〜指輪 〜約束はいらない 〜指輪 〜マジックナンバー 〜光あれ, 極夜 2013 Live Ver., 私は丘の上から花瓶を投げる 2013 Live Ver., 美しい人, 遠く
Silverclub editor, producer, bass guitar, guitar, other instruments Blanks, Dash, Dots, Expiry, Films, Gene, Lags, Lines, Mothers, Nets, Plugs, Quantum, Quarters, Shapes, Sheets, Shots, Silence
The Journeymen guitar 3番目の i wish, Crepuscule, Honest Liar, Most Decision, My Way, TESTIMONE, my story, telephone king, 哀愁のスカパラダイス, 家族の肖像, 消えた詩人, 真実の口, 雨のち晴れて
菅野よう子 electric guitar, guitar Curandelo, Kids on the Slope, Lullaby of Birdland, Rosario, YURIKA
シートベルツ guitar Forever Broke, ROUYA, SPOKEY DOKEY, What planet is this?!
Orange Juice guitar 向かい風
吉川奏 electric guitar Echoes of the Colors
Raj Ramayya arranger, programming clue
大友良英 guitar Lupin the Third: Ending Theme 1
Torture Garden guitar Blood Sucking Freaks
Austin De Lone arranger Suna-no-Hoshi