Øystein Ramfjord

producer, mix, recording, arranger, performer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Amethystium arranger, mix, performer, producer, recording A Small Adventure, Ad Astra, Anthemoessa, Arcane Voices, Arcus, Ascension, Automne, Autumn Interlude, Avalon, Barefoot, Berceuse, Break of Dawn, Calantha, Dreamdance, Dreamlike Insomnia, Elegy, Elvensong, Enchantment, Ethereal, Exultation, Fable, Fairyland, Frosty Morning Bliss, Garden of Sakuntala, Gates of Morpheus, Hymnody, Ilona, Imaginatio, Innocence, Into the Twilight, La Pluie, Lhasa, Lost, Odyssey, Opaque, Paean, Reverie, Satori, Shadow to Light, Shadowlands, Shibumi, Silken Twine, Strangely Beautiful, Tinuviel, Treasure, Unbounded, Withdrawal